AsBAA's mission is to represent the needs of its members and the wider industry through its three core pillars: Advocacy, Representation and Community. We actively Advocate the benefits of business aviation to key stakeholders such as Government, transport ministries and the media. We Represent the interests of all sectors of the business and general aviation industry across the region, and we create a Community in which our members can network, access B2B opportunities and tackle common issues with greater collective influence.
AsBAA is a non-profit, member led organisation. We work with our members to represent their needs, advocating the benefits of business and general aviation to key stakeholders including government, industry and the media. AsBAA also provides a community for our members to access a broad B2B network in Asia. Through AsBAA, members can showcase their professional profiles at a number of speaking opportunities around the region. Members can also access opportunities to promote the member company's brand through a series of complimentary and (optional) paid marketing services.
For leading industry organisations, such as OEMs, management companies, operators, service providers and media looking for brand enhancement and support with operational challenges in Greater China and Southeast Asia.
为业界领先机构,如 OEM、管理公司、运营商、传媒及服务供应商提供的会员层级, 以协助他们解决在大中华区及东南亚地区的营运挑战,提升品牌及支持。
For mid-size organisations looking for support with B2B networking and support with operational challenges in Greater China and Southeast Asia.
为寻求 B2B 网络支持和大中华区及东南亚业务挑战支持的中型组织提供的会员层级。
Airport Owners & Airport Operators: For airport owners and airport operators looking for support with B2B networking and support with operational challenges in Greater China and Southeast Asia.
为机场业主和机场运营商提供 B2B 网络支持,并为大中华区和东南亚的运营挑战提供支 持的会员层级。
AsBAA places great value on small business members and the importance of their contribution to Business Aviation / General Aviation.
协会非常重视我们的小型企业成员和及其对商务航空 / 通用航空发展贡献的重要性。协 会从小微企业积极参与投入整个地区行业发展,倡导我们的共同话语,获益匪浅。
For flying schools and / or academies looking for industry support in reaching more potential students.
A tier for mid-size organisations looking for support with B2B networking and support with operational challenges in Greater China and Southeast Asia.
PLUS Membership includes:
* AsBAA CORPORATE PLUS Membership requirements: Membership open to organisations of more than 10 employees